Paul Archer - photo Paul Archer - poet, translator



O my love, let's make haste

O my love, let’s make haste
While time is on our side,
Delaying only does harm
To both of us. 

The noble gifts of beauty
Flee step by step,
And everything we have
Must fade away. 

Your rosy cheeks pale,
Your hair turns gray,
Your eye’s fire fades,
Your passion turns to ice. 

Your pert coral lips
Loose their shape,
Your hands thaw like snow,
And you will grow old.

So let us now enjoy
The fruits of youth,
Before we must yield
To the passage of time. 

Love me just as
You love yourself.
Give yourself to me
And I will lose myself in you.

English translation by Paul Archer of the text of Ach, Liebste, lass uns eilen by Johann Nauwach (1595-1630). Published in Teütscher Villanellen, Theil 1, (1627). Text by Martin Opitz, Ode VIII, from Oden und Gesänge (1618).
See the copyright notice below.

Ach, Liebste, lass uns eilen

Ach, Liebste, lass uns eilen,
Wir haben Zeit:
Es schadet das Verweilen
Uns beiderseit. 

Der edlen Schönheit Gaben
Fliehn Fuss für Fuss,
Dass alles, was wir haben,
Verschwinden muss. 

Der Wangen Zier verbleichet,
Das Haar wird greis,
Der Äuglein Feuer weichet,
Die Brust wird Eis. 

Das Mündlein von Korallen
Wird ungestalt,
Die Hand als Schnee verfallen,
Und du wirst alt. 

Drum lass uns jetzt geniessen
Der Jugend Frucht,
Eh denn wir folgen müssen
Der Jahre Flucht. 

Wo du dich selber liebest,
So liebe mich,
Gib mir, dass, wann du gibest,
Verlier auch ich.

Recording. Andreas Scholl (countertenor), Markus Märkl (claviola), Karl-Ernst Schröder (lute).

Copyright notice. The translation is provided as an aid to musicians and audiences. Publication of the translation in print or digital formats is expressly forbidden unless permission from the author has been first obtained and acknowledgement of authorship is duly made. Permission will usually be granted so please contact Paul Archer with details of how you wish to make use of the translation.

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