Paul Archer - photo Paul Archer - poet, translator



Life can be full of surprises

Life can be full
Of surprises,
So the proverb says,
For those who fester,
Not pushing themselves
And taking no risks.
Many a time a blind chicken
Finds the best grain.

If you venture out anew,
You’re already halfway there.
If you are fearful,
And go into hiding,
You’ll rot away.
You must reach into thorns
To pluck the red roses.

Because Fortune
Can never stop
Being fickle,
Turning one way
And then another,
You can never hold onto her.
So, Thyrsis, noble shepherd, be happy,
For she has favoured you today.

English translation by Paul Archer of the text of Unverhofft kommet oft by Johann Hermann Schein (1586-1630). Published in Musica boscareccia, Dritter Theil, Leipzig (1628).
See the copyright notice below.

Unverhofft kommet oft

kommet oft,
Man im Sprichwort saget.
Der verdirbt,
Der nicht wirbt
Und sein Tag nichts waget.
Oftmals ein blindes Hühnelein
Findt wohl das beste Körnelein.

Frisch gewagt,
Ist schon halb erworben.
Wer sich fürcht’t,
Stets verbirgt,
Ist und bleibt verdorben.
Wer nicht greift in die Dorn hinein,
Bricht ab kein rohtes Röselein.

Denn das Glück
seine Tück
Nimmermehr kann lassen.
Bald es gibt,
Bald es trübt,
Stet läßt sich’s nicht fassen
Drum, Tirsi, freu dich edler Hirt,
Weil solchs dir heut favorisiert.

Copyright notice. The translation is provided as an aid to musicians and audiences. Publication of the translation in print or digital formats is expressly forbidden unless permission from the author has been first obtained and acknowledgement of authorship is duly made. Permission will usually be granted so please contact Paul Archer with details of how you wish to make use of the translation.

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Translations of early music texts.

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