Paul Archer - photo Paul Archer - poet, translator



Ciaccona of Heaven and Hell

Oh how nice it is to be in Paradise
Where we live in the Elysian fields
Seeing the face of God revealed,
Oh how nice it is to be in Paradise.

Oh how horrible it is here in hell
Where we burn in eternal fire
Without ever seeing God appear,
Oh how horrible it is here in hell.

Here we don't suffer ice, wind and heat
The weather is temperate all the time
There’s no rain or storms or lightning,
Here in Heaven it’s always peaceful.

There’s fire and ice here, oh it’s awful,
The frosts, the storms, and the scorching heat
We’re in a place of such terrible weather
Oh we’re gathered here in such misery.

We have here all we could ever wish for
And we have nothing that we dislike,
There’s so much more, O Muse, I could say
But I’ll pause the song, not daring to say more.

Ah we have everything that is abhorrent
Nothing we like, never any pleasure,
We’re surrounded by evil and badness
Desperate to escape but never, never, never!

Oh how nice it is to be in Paradise
Where we live in the Elysian fields
Seeing the face of God revealed,
Oh how nice it is to be in Paradise.

English translation by Paul Archer of the text of Ciaccona di Paradiso e dell'Inferno attributed to Francesco Ratis (1600?-1676). The very different state of those in heaven and those in hell is expressed in alternate verses.
See the copyright notice below.

Ciaccona di Paradiso e dell'Inferno

O che bel stare è stare in Paradiso
Dove si vive sempre in fest’e riso
Vedendosi di Dio svelato il viso
O che bel stare è star in Paradiso.

Ohimè che orribil star qui nell’inferno
Ove si vive in pianto e foco eterno
Senza veder mai Dio in sempiterno
Ahi, ahi, che orribil star giù nell’inferno.

Là non vi regna giel, vento, calore,
Che il tempo è temperato a tutte l’hore
Pioggia non v’è, tempesta, nè baleno,
Che il Ciel là sempre si vede sereno.

Il fuoco e ‘l ghiaccio là, o che stupore
Le brine, le tempeste, e il sommo ardore
Stanno in un loco tute l’intemperie
Si radunan laggiù, o che miserie.

Havrai insomma là quanto vorrai
E quanto non vorrai non haverai
E questo è quanto, o Musa, posso dire
Però fa pausa il canto e fin l’ardire.

Quel ch’aborrisce qua, là tutto havrai
Quel te diletta e piace mai havrai
E pieno d’ogni male tu sarai
Dispera tu d’uscirne mai, mai, mai!

O che bel stare è star in Paradiso
Dove si vive sempr’in fest’e riso
Vedendosi di Dio svelato il viso
O che bel stare é stare in Paradiso.

Copyright notice. The translation is provided as an aid to musicians and audiences. Publication of the translation in print or digital formats is expressly forbidden unless permission from the author has been first obtained and acknowledgement of authorship is duly made. Permission will usually be granted so please contact Paul Archer with details of how you wish to make use of the translation.

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Translations of early music texts.

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