Paul Archer - photo Paul Archer - poet, translator



Clear and cool rivers

Clear and cool rivers
that are content to follow
your natural path;
Barren hills round me
that stand in a state
of sad perpetual solitude;
Birds that have the sense
to be always singing;
Trees that live
and finally also die,
losing and winning at various times;
Listen to me, all of you listen to
my voice that’s bitter, hoarse and so full of pain.

For fortune has willed
that I have to separate
from the one I could never imagine leaving,
in this time of misfortune
I have to tell myself
that now is not my time to die;
my soul has to be firm,
for if it were weak
death would be shameful;
if I end up in such a bad way,
all will speak of my desperation;
and for one who loved so well
it’s not good if they say he had a bad death.

English translation by Paul Archer of the text of Claros y frescos ríos by Alonso Mudarra (1510-1580) from Tres Libros de Música en cifra para vihuela, Seville, 1546.

Claros y frescos ríos

Claros y frescos ríos
que mansamente vays
siguiendo vuestro natural camino;
Desiertos montes míos,
que'n un estado estays
de soledad muy triste de contino;
Aves, en quien ay tino
de estar siempre cantando;
Árboles que bivís,
y al fin tanbién morís,
perdiendo a vezes tiempos y ganando;
Oydme, oydme juntamente,
mi voz amarga, ronca y tan doliente.

Pues quiso mi ventura
que uviese d'apartarme
de quien jamás osé pensar partirme,
en tanta desventura
conviene consolarme,
que no es agora tiempo de morirme;
el alma ha d'estar firme,
que en un tan baxo estado
vergonçosa es la muerte;
si acabo en mal tan fuerte,
todos dirán que voy desesperado;
y quien tan bien amó
no es bien que digan que tan mal murió.

Recording. Montserrat Figueras (soprano) and Rolf Lislevand from Hespérion XX, directed by Jordi Savall.

Copyright notice. The translation is provided as an aid to musicians and audiences. Publication of the translation in print or digital formats is expressly forbidden unless permission from the author has been first obtained and acknowledgement of authorship is duly made. Permission will usually be granted so please contact Paul Archer with details of how you wish to make use of the translation.

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